Friday, August 31, 2012

The Week in High Fives

1. Even though we don't have any actual flowers in our garden (this will all change next year - I swear to you!), I managed to make the simplest flower arrangement from my perennial grass that occasionally sprouts lilac "flowers". I added some mint in their too.

2. This ByBoe Sweetheart ring was supposed to be an actual bow but they sent the wrong one. I love it though so I didn't have the "heart" to send it back (wah-waa). I also love this and these.

3. This is Penny who is 4 months old and new to the park. Excited to see her grow and play!

4. This drink from The Spotted Pig was so delicious: rose water lemonade - totally made my day! 

5. Having breakfast with Mila at Mila Cafe was pretty awesome!

And perhaps the most exciting news of this week is that my visa came through!! Finally! So now I am officially and definitely going to be employed! Unclear on the exact start date but sometime next week for sure. Thanks for putting up with me while I complained about this topic for the longest time! 

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