Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The Last Few Days in Chicago - Continued


Our life in boxes once more! As you can see top left, my Kitchen Aid (mixer) is waiting to be opened properly and used! I can't wait!! These were the boxes during the intermediate stage - by the end, you couldn't see the wall. How did we accumulate so much stuff in only a few months? OK so most of those packed boxes are from the wedding but still! And, I tried to throw things away but there was hardly anything! Only one load to the Salvation Army! 

After much debate about the state of American store-bought bread and intense label-reading, I decided that if I couldn't buy Spar/Pick 'n Pay bread, that I would make my own. What beats homemade bread after all? Even if it just fills the house with that great smell, it's worth it! I don't have a 'proper' bread tin, so I improvised with this chiffon cake tin. I thought it came out pretty well. This was about my fourth loaf, so keep that in mind! 

If only there were flowers like this all year around!

On our way to find the infamous Cubs (baseball) at the Wrigley Stadium in Wrigleyville. We even managed to convince Wobbo (Matt) to come with us by default (we saw him on the train and hijacked him to come with us!). We also ended up having the most awesome sandwiches at a Vietnamese deli in Andersonville called Ba Le Bakery. A great new find!

The home of the Cubs! Hopefully next year I will be able to go to a game, or maybe in September when we're back from London.

Our brollys did actually come in handy! Even though mine from Target was pretty useless and did a Mary Poppins on me and turned inside out! Here is Ryan with his, in front of a dreary Lake Michigan. I'm pretty sure that there was sunshine in the morning and then it turned into this! Bundle up in June!


  1. A kitchen aid! I'm very jealous.

  2. It's great huh?! But still in it's boxey :( Waiting to be used. Maybe in September!!

  3. That bread looks really good!!! Pls bring recipe home and the 'feel like it' to make it!!!Wont have to 'go across the rd everyday' -PnP about to lose out.

  4. I want to go to a cubs game:(

  5. recipe is so easy and I have made the bread so many times I know it off by heart. so I'll bring it home or send it to you. and it lasts for at least a week and is yummy!

    C: yes lets go to a cubs game - but then you have to come in summer. maybe next year June/July?


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