Saturday, August 20, 2011

Excuses, excuses?!

Hi everyone! My apologies for being the worst blogger in the world and taking so long to get this next post started. I guess I have some valid excuses but excuses nonetheless so for this I am sorry and I will try and make it up to you and be more diligent in the future!

Before I actually update the blog properly with some highlights of the summer holiday, let me explain the current and past happenings of the last two months. The last time I blogged was for Ryan's graduation in June and since then, things have changed a million times! Since we last met, Ryan and I have packed up our Chicago apartment, Ryan has moved to our New York apartment, we have unpacked that, Ryan has started his new job which even during training is insanely demanding, I have flown to New York twice, resigned from my job, been living in an apartment with no furniture except a bed and a cardboard box, and now am preparing to move to a new apartment for 2 months! 

Whew! Mouthful! So amidst all of that, I kind of lost my blogging way but I am back on the path of righteousness and turning over a new leaf. I thought today would be a perfect day to turn that leaf as it is absolutely pouring in Chicago with blizzard style rain and my plans to venture out have somewhat been squished.

Exhibit A!

Exhibit A.2

So I am sure you can see what I mean. It seems like a movie, hot chocolate and catch-up day! I have been away for the past two weekends so I am excited to regroup and prepare to move my few remaining belongings next weekend. I will be in Chicago until the end of October and after that I join Ryan in NYC to start the next chapter. Anyone know of any OT jobs for a little African in the big apple? Suggestions appreciated! 

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