Saturday, August 27, 2011

New Schnork!

As many of you will know Ryan and I are moving to New York. Well, correction, Ryan has already moved to New York and has started working, and I am in still in Chicago for the next few months. I have been travelling out there every 3 weeks or so to initially find an apartment and then once we found one, to unpack and organise everything. Here are a few photos from our NY tours pre and post apartment hunting! 

Central Park

 Exploring the Streets!

 Pepperdews - yippee!
  South African choccies at Fairway - my life is complete!

After A LOT of hunting and two trips to New York we eventually found an apartment that we liked, could afford and actually wanted us! Because we are foreign we really struggled to find a leasing agent that would allow us to rent because we don't have an established credit history yet. After a lot of blood sweat and tears we found... Red Blinds! Ta Da!
So called for the lovely red blinds that the previous tenant left us.. But more on this later. The next thing was organising a bed. As you'll see in the following photo, our bed does not have a bed frame and is thus very low on the ground.

Thus our next mission was to find a frame, and frame we did find!
 In pieces..
We had already spent a pretty penny on our new bed so we didn't really want to spend hundreds of dollars on a frame. Luckily for us the sales guy at Sleepy's offered us the showroom frame that had recently been retired and was in pieces in their back room. Well you know, beggars can't be choosers.
 So we carried each piece home bit by bit and assembled it with a borrowed screwdriver from the concierge in our lobby! Our tool kit was still in the boxes that has yet to be delivered so we had to improvise!
Ta da!! 
 It looks a little more grown-up, less frat style with nice sheets and pillows.

Here is the video of the apartment pre-furniture. I am off to New York next weekend if Hurricane Irene allows so I'll do an updated apartment tour then. For the moment here is the space. Plus I must tell you that I am very excited that I am learning how to edit movies so I can cut out the bloopers. It's still very rough around the edges but please appreciate the transitions! Enjoy! 


  1. the red bed pillows match the red blinds!! i'm coming to live there:) find me something to do

  2. we should maybe tidy the place up before you start filming!! :)


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