Sunday, August 21, 2011

Part Two: Cali

So during my usual process of blogging, I begin by sorting out all my photos for the specific blog post. I try not to have too many pictures because I think it may tend to be a bit much and some are NOT blog worthy. This approach didn't work as well with this part of our trip as we went to so many different places and did some silly photo-worthy things. If this gets too long, there may have to be a part three so watch out for that! 

My parents and sister were in the States for a little over 2 weeks in total. The first week they spent in Chicago while I worked and the second week we booked a trip to northern California. I know Caitlin was dying to go to LA to see 'the Hollywood sign' (click there and you'll see it!) but as I showed her on a map, San Fran and LA are about a 7 hr drive apart, so next time we'll have to explore the south where all the beautiful people live. ;) Anyway, I digress. So the plan was two nights in San Fran, then rent a car and drive 4hrs north to the Southern Redwoods which are the tallest and oldest trees on earth, then from Pepperwood (population 50), drive back south to wine country Sonoma (which was why we were going to northern Cali in the first place), spend two nights there and then the last night in Napa before driving back to San Fran and flying back to Chicago. We moved around a lot but we had a great trip and as always, you wish there was more time, more money to spend, and more wine to drink. Still, as you'll see in the pictures below we completed a very diverse set of activities from intense bike riding up San Francisco's infamous hills (Go Mumsy!) to being painted in mud from the volcanic ash in Calistoga. Here goes. 
San Francisco

Ryan and I went to SF for our one year anniversary in March this year. It rained for the time that we were in the city but we managed to go to Alcatraz and explore in between the squelches. Luckily, the weather held out for us this time enabling us to do something that as a family, I would scarcely have imagined.. cycling across the Golden Gate Bridge. 
 So here we are on the bus to the Golden Gate Park where one can rent bikes to cycle.
 We actually missed the first bus because of this picture. Ahem... off centre top right. We got a mouthful for that but I'm sure C would say it was worth it!
 Ahahhahahha - family biking! I never thought I would see the day!
 Even 'big children' need 'pad kos' (food for the road) from their moms every now and again! 

 "I made it! And I look fabulous doing it in my I heart SF tracksuit top."
Waiting for the bus - thank goodness there was a bus and Farji didn't make us cycle the WHOLE way home! 

But a stop before home: amazing lemonade pomegranate yumminess on the beach front where if we hadn't sat all in a row at the bar we would have had to have waited for over an hour for a table. 

 I am taking one for the team with this picture but this is what cycling around San Francisco with Ryan and Farji does to you!

Cailtin's birthday had come and gone in June, and because we were all meeting up in July, we decided to postpone her birthday until then. Her one request was to recreate an amazing black and white milkshake with chocolate whipped cream that we had found at a restaurant in Vegas. Coincidentally, the restaurant's origins (Burger Bar) were in San Fransisco and walking distance from where we were staying. We opted for 2 small milkshakes vs one giant one so that we could share. 

Mumsy sharing in on the action.

Of course as all good South African's know, one of the first things one has to do when away from home is find the perfect cup of tea. This can be challenging in the States where coffee is heavily preferred. Fortunately, our Inn had a selection of teas for us and we were very excited to see that it was set out all day. Here was our attempt to show our exuberance for the tea.

 That's better mumsy! Show that teabag who's boss!

After battling many of SF's hills on our bikes the day before, we all opted to try out the hundred year (give or take) trolley which rolls a little suspiciously up and down town.
We hung on for dear life - there were some white-eyeballed moments! In the end, we actually walked back - up more hills!

I think Alcatraz is in the background. We had to hold Farji back from the submarine exhibit (see below). We settled on a sourdough sandwich from the place where this type of bread was created. 

So next up it was  time for some wheels. Ryan needs a shout-out as he went back to the airport to pick up our monster truck - yeah! and drove all the way "on the wrong side of the road" back to our Inn. After not having a car for over 2 years, I think we're a bit too eager to rent one. It was so worth it though and really the only way to see the state when not in a big city. 

Farewell San Fran!! We'll be back! 

1 comment:

  1. 1) thanks for that hollywood sign... very funny
    2) that A&F photo.. are u kidding - of course it was worth it
    3) can i not be a little peckish after cycling 20 KM for the first time since i gave my bike away when I was 9!!!

    that is all...


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