Saturday, October 23, 2010

Last but not Least.. Siena.

Our trusty locomotive once again delivered us to our final destination. I wish we could have spent longer in Siena. That being said we managed to cram in the major sights and even took in a festival or two. As I have mentioned before we went into a lot of churches in Italy. By far, my favourite, was the Gothic-style Duomo from where I think JK Rowling took her inspiration. Without being blasphemous, the interiors look like the back drop for magic and wizardry. See for yourself!

 Click on me! 
As anyone who has visited the churches in Europe knows, one must always dress respectively upon entering. I was aware of this and for every occasion I was appropriately attired. Unfortunately I had not expected to see another church in Siena. I paid the price.. Ryan found it pretty amusing though..
 See! Harry Potter-esque.

 Doing what I do best..

On our final night in Italy and in Siena we had a fabulous meal as recommended by the B 'n B that we were staying in. This particular restaurant had a wine seller of over 2000 wines to choose from. Needless to say we needed some help. Our lose parameters were a great Tuscan wine - you can't really go wrong. This one's for you dad!
And so we come to the end of the whirlwind Italian experience. We had an incredible honeymoon that was worth waiting for. I'm not sure when the next big adventure will be (perhaps we are living it now) but I can't wait! Now that we're back in North America, I feel a Canadian splurge creeping up and maybe a summer trip to the Big Apple next year as well as explorations of the West Coast. There is just so much to see and so little time (and money) to do it all. One year at a time I guess! I can't wait to hear from you all. Please come and visit us in Chicago and perhaps in New York next year?!! Everyone should be on the blog! x

1 comment:

  1. When in Rome......go to Sienna. Never been and now I don't have to! Very interesting account as usual Jules and great pics as well and great pecs on hubby
    Rob xx


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