Thursday, July 11, 2013

Back with a Bang!

It's been almost a year since I posted on this blog - I know, I know. But better late than never, right? It's been a jam-packed ten months since I first started working and I daresay it's taken me that long to adjust and organize my thoughts to where I can start blogging again. So without further ado, I thought I would recount some of the year's more memorable moments starting with an adrenaline pumping one.. Trapeze! New York being the crazy place that it is, and the city where you can almost do anything you've ever wanted, of course there's a trapeze school (multiple in fact), on the highway, off a pier, overlooking the Hudson river. So not only are you miles high in the sky but you have an expressway to you left and a river to your right as you launch yourself off a diving board, trusting complete strangers. Initially I was not really scared. I'm not fearful of heights or swinging. However, when I got up to the top with a tiny harness around my waist, expected to lean forward with my toes clutching the edge of a swaying board, and a girl smaller than me, holding the harness and being the only thing between me staying up there and plunging, I definitely felt the adrenaline rush. Whilst nowhere near as "scary" as skydiving, in my opinion (many people asked me if I had done that after I mentioned the trapeze), it's not for the faint-hearted, but is still relatively safe if you are able to put your fears aside and just go for it.

 Please note: this is not me but it gives you a good idea of what flying through the air really means! Go April! 

This is me (haha!) on my last jump after many practice sessions. I didn't fall but I wasn't so good at following the instructions either. Blame in on the Afro-American language barrier!

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