Friday, August 31, 2012

Who really needs furniture anyway?

After our third-hand couch from Chicago wouldn't fit through the door of our new apartment (damn those 1910 builders who could not fathom that all American sofas would be enormous and awkward), we settled for life with a one-seat armchair. This arrangement was working out well until Ryan had some time off this week, and one of us (usually me!) was left sitting on the floor! So with the news that my visa had finally come through, we decided to suck it up and go back to Ikea to buy a couch. We left with a lot more than just a couch, and although the apartment is a continuing work-in-progress, it is starting to look more like a home now. 

If you ever find yourself having to go through the pain of going to Ikea, I have a few tips that may make it more bearable.

1. If you live in a city like New York and don't own a car, or more specifically a truck, beg, borrow or steal one. The first time we went to Ikea we took two trains and a ferry on a boiling hot day. We did not buy a single thing except lunch, among other things because we couldn't face carrying it all home on said trains and ferry and walking with it back to our apartment. 

2. If you have this luxury, go on a weekday morning. We went on a Monday and considering that they offer a free, cooked breakfast, it would be safe to say Mondays are slow-days for them. A pleasure. 

3. Take snacks. Unless you are happy to spend time in the cafeteria waiting in line for food, usually a cooked full-on meal, a better use of your time is to eat something before and take some water and a power bar in your bag for when you need a pick-me-up. 

4. Do not plan anything after the Ikea trip or for the next day if you can. Ikea is generally overwhelming and once you get home, you still have to assemble everything so your job is far from finished. We assembled a couch, foot stool, coffee table, side table and a double bed over the two days and it was physically and emotionally exhausting. 

5. Plan ahead. Go to their website, pick out what you want over a few days, make sure they have it at your local branch, print out your order and go armed. This will save you countless hours of wandering and more likely keep you focused. Your research will not go to waste. All the furniture has Swedish names so it can get very confusing between the brown Kivik and the white Ektorp etc and this lamp and that rug.

6. Have fun! Although Ikea furniture gets a bad rap, it is by the far the best value for money if you are starting out and need to furnish a lot quickly. Plus, I think if you look after your furniture, it should last until you feel ready to invest in a pricier version. There are also gradations within Ikea so you can buy the cheapest couch made out of sticks and plastic wrap or one that has actual springs with cushions and fabric. 

7. A nice view (below) on the way home while you worry about whether your bounty will get soaked (and rot) or fall off the back of your rented pick-up truck/bakkie, is never a bad thing. Find that silver lining!

And the fun and games begin. First up is building the couch. I even ironed the covers. 
 Real springs!
Despite all our efforts to keep Mila off the couch in the previous apartment (I've shouted at her, physically placed her on the floor, used treats, put chairs on the couch etc), she is so much more persistent and stubborn than I could ever have imagined. She was even climbing on the couch while we were building it. Come on, this is one determined dog. 

In an effort to compromise, we bought a footstool which triples up as storage, a foot rest and Mila's own couch. Ridiculous. The problem is keeping her off the rest. 

It didn't work.. Mila also rearranged the cushions to her liking. Sigh. The only saving grace is that I have scotch-guarded the couch and draped a very comfy blanket on it, to which she seems amenable. Thank heavens she is only 9lbs and has short hair! 

I never appreciated the basics like a couch until now. Even though this furniture is by no means fancy, it was fun (and stressful) to research the process and "build" everything together. (Even though this is definitely not true) I feel like this is the comfiest couch ever! I think the woeffle agrees.   

Sweet dreams. 

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