Monday, August 12, 2013

DIY: Homemade Iced Tea

It has been so ridiculously hot here lately. So hot in fact that I couldn't even write this post and think clearly until this here cooler week. With temperatures of 35C/95F with humidity and my brain turning to sludge, water just wasn't going to cut it. I spent a week craving (and succumbing) to iced drinks from Starbucks or Birch, and feeling guilty with every slurp, decided I could easily make my own iced tea. "Hi, I'd like a Passion Fruit Iced Tea, Unsweetened, Grande please" - said I too many times. This particular drink from Starbucks is so good, without the need to be sweetened, yet finding a good duplicate to make at home has proven surprisingly challenging.

To re-create your own, refreshing iced tea blend is very simple and a lot more cost-effective if you plan on drinking a lot of tea in the hot weather. 

1. Gather your tea in any form you choose. I made it from loose leaf tea and in pouches for the tea below. It's an added bonus if you find a cute spice and tea shop like Sullivan Street Tea and Spice Company along the way. You can also order their products online.

2. Place your loose leaf or pouch tea in a teapot or brewing vessel with boiling water (or depending on the tea, less than boiling water) for a couple of hours. Use approximately half a litre (16 oz) of boiling water per serving of tea. My theory is the longer you allow it to draw, the stronger it will be, and you'll want it stronger rather than weaker especially for fruit teas. 

3. Once you have allowed the boiling tea to steep/draw/brew for some time (anything from 30mins to over night), remove the tea leaves and add another half litre (16 oz) of ice cold water and some ice blocks to put the ice into ice tea. I also added some lemon slices to enhance the flavour.

4. An alternative to loose leaf tea is tea that is specifically designed to be iced. I found this brand and flavour at Whole Foods but I am sure many others will do. So far this Rishi tea is the closest I've found to my beloved Passion Fruit Iced Tea - it's absolutely delish. Ooooo-ahhhhhh. yum! 

5. Sit back, relax and sip. 

P.S. Some more Sullivan Street Company pictures just 'cause it's such a cute store - like something out of Alice and Wonderland!

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