Sunday, November 13, 2011

10 Things About Mila

1. Mila is a Chocolate and Tan Miniature Dachshund. Currently she weights 3lbs, 4oz or 1.5kg as measured on my kitchen scale. Her eyes are kind of greenish-blue at the moment but could be classified as hazel. Apparently brown eyes in Chocolates is optimal as it means that the genetics have not been diluted. 

2. Trust me when I say Mila looks bigger in photos that in real life. 

Curled up she is smaller than my shoe

3. In a previous life, Mila was a songololo - a 'pill millipede' which rolls into a spring-like coil if alarmed. 
4. Mila can fly.

5. Mila thinks her leg is a drumstick.

6. Like any real New Yorker, Mila is obsessed with shoes.

So I gave her her own pair to chew:

7. Mila likes to go shopping as long as she can travel in style.

8. Mila knows how to rock the fall trends.

9. We took Mila to Puppy Socialisation for the first time yesterday and for the first half hour she was a little nervous.

However, after warming up she made a new friend, Dexter, the English Bulldog. I think he had bad breath.

10. Mila likes to do yoga in her sleep.


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