Monday, August 22, 2011

Part 2.1 The Redwoods!

As predicted my San Francisco post became enormously long so I decided that the next part of our journey should get it's own page. Our time to the Southern Redwoods was very different from the rest of the trip. For one we stayed in a place (don't think I can really call it a town) with a population of 50 people - 5 of us and we were almost 10% of it! We also saw an array of "wild life" from luscious banana slugs to a Siamese, a bunny and a raccoon! The raccoon visited us in the middle of the night and I wished we (or my I) had been more on the ball to take a photo. Anyway, you'll just have to believe me that it happened. We stayed in the cutest little cottage with its own hammock, jacuzzi and "badminton ground" aka the washing line as well as a few of planted veggies and forests. I wished we could have stayed longer but alas time is never on one's side. This cottage is the perfect place to chill out, barbecue/braai and drink wine in the hot tub. 

 Ooo big trees!

Pepperwood - Population 50.
I loved our cottage! This is a Cia-style getaway!

 Our first glimpse of the natural wildlife in Pepperwood.
 Up close - brave Mumsy!

Bunny action! 
 The real deal.
 Indigenous to the region?
Warrior - grrr!

On our way to discover the big tree greatness - and Farji motoring ahead as usual.
Slap that.

OK so after our hardcore walk in the forest it's: Jacuzzi Time! Woohoo!

And the fun really began as we used the badminton net for a washing line - there actually was a washing line - we just didnt realise it until the clothes were dry! and team Fernandes and team Grobbelaar were formed!
 All hope was kind of dashed when GrobbelFern was born. Oh my. 

But one thing we are better as is jacuzzi time! So we returned to where we were welcomed!

 Some things just never change! 

And with that we're off to wine country!

1 comment:

  1. GrobbelFern ... I do believe you left a picture out of our walk through the redwoods...


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